Just looking through some photos from this summer, and found this, which Haley put together.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Kit Kittredge - An American Girl
And, in fact, I've seen all of the other American Girl movies, too. Yes, Felicity - An American Girl Adventure
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Andrew Peterson music
Don't Give Up On Me - a love song to his wife
I've Got News
The Good Confession
Just As I Am
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
I finally saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. (As is usual and customary for me, I waited for it to come out on DVD to watch it.)
I had heard some negative reviews of the movie from some friends prior to seeing it myself. A main point of contention with some was the story line itself, with the the current movie's focus on an ancient legend mixed in with aliens not quite living up to the standard set by such previous pursuits as the ark of the covenant and the holy grail. Granted, this installment does require us to suspend belief more so than the previous films, and, I guess I wish the story itself would have been more believable. But, I didn't go into the movie expecting reality, and knowing the general idea of the story in advance, I was able to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Another friend, also watching at home, chose to turn off the movie part way through. After seeing the movie, myself, I find this hard to imagine, and wonder at what point in the movie he gave up on it. It kept my apt attention the whole way through.
That said, I would probably have some difficulty putting it in the same category with Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. However, I would contribute that more to my nostalgic feelings towards the originals than the failure of the newest to live up to its predecessors.
As Roger Ebert said in one of the few reviews of this movie that I have actually read, "I can say that if you liked the other Indiana Jones movies, you will like this one...". I would have to agree. (Whether you feel the same or not, feel free to post your own comments and opinions.)
Amy's Yearbook Photos

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Landscaping Changes
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Last Physical Therapy
A couple weeks back, on 8/29, Amy had her last physical therapy appointment. She met with the doctor, and he said she did not need to continue physical therapy, though she still should continue doing arm exercises and stretches at home for further progress.
Amy has made additional progress in the last two weeks, we have seen. She can now stretch her arm out almost fully straight. It's just slightly not yet fully extended. She's making progress at bending her arm up toward her body, too, but has more room for improvement in that direction.
When Amy met with the doctor, he was quite surprised by the progress she had made in gaining movement back. He indicated that, based on the severity of the injury and the surgery he had done, the improvement Amy has seen is very significant. He actually said the word "miracle", and he's not one we would have ever expected to suggest divine involvement.
To what degree Amy's improvement can be attributed to a miracle of God, as opposed to just physical therapy, genetics, etc., I can't say. But, I know we were praying for God's help in healing and improvement in range of motion. And, I know that God is the giver of life and of breath and is the sustainer of all things. Thus, I believe that God was involved in the healing and improvement of Amy's arm, even in and through physical therapy and through her genetic makeup (which He gave her). I don't think we need to choose between natural and supernatural reasons, but believe that God is at work in it all.
Though it hasn't been easy, and though there's still more to go, I thank God for the impressive improvement that we have already seen, which has far exceeded the doctor's expectations. Praise God! And we will continue to hope and believe for eventual full range of motion... complete healing.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Weekend Update
Sunday, July 27, 2008
sorry excuse for a...
I don't have anything interesting or clever to share at the moment, but I just added a header image to my blog that I spent some time working on. (I used Paint.NET for the image editing, which is basically a free Photoshop alternative that I found recently.)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Dog watching, Free Chicken, and Free Slurpees
We went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, for Cow Appreciation Day. Because we dressed like cows, complete with the "Eat Mor Chikin" slogan, we all got free combo meals. I guess this is a yearly event every July 11, so get your costumes ready for next year.
We then went to 7-Eleven to get some free 7.11 ounce Slurpees for 7-Eleven day, August 11 or 7/11. (Supposedly the same promotion is done on November 7 in many other countries where the date is notated in DAY/MONTH format.)
We decided to head home after that, since it was already getting late, instead of stopping to redeem a free movie at Family Video for the kids' report card A's. We came home and had fun playing with Nifty.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Cubstiva
Check out this Ford Festiva turned Cubstiva!
This litte car helped the owner, who I happen to know, become fan of the week on a Cubs site.
Then came a segment on the local news.
Great job on the car and the interviews, Derick... and, go Cubs!
Brace yourself
Amy got her cast off today and replaced it with a hinged brace. She will be going to physcal therapy at least twice a week for a while, beginning Tuesday to help get the movement back. She can't move it much, presently. But, soon... soon.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Amy's Arm Update
After the surgery, she had a splint for about a week. Here's her arm after the splint was taken off, right before the staples were removed, after which she was given a cast.
Amy and I went on a company golf outing last weekend (fulfilling my minimum/average golf quota for the year). This was supposed to be Amy's second time golfing ever, but, alas, she was only able to ride in the golf cart.
Monday, May 26, 2008
X-Rays (and me)
This is me, taking a picture of myself in one of those half-globe mirrors on the ceiling in the hospital, outside the x-ray room while I waited.
Amy Dislocates Arm
We were supposed to watch our neices overnight tonight, but my sister offered to take our kids for the night, instead, so that was nice. Amy didn't break anything, but there may have been a tiny chip off a bone. She will probably need to wear the soft cast and sling for at least a week, and is supposed to see an orthopedic doctor early this week. I'll follow this up with a post including the x-rays.
Friday, April 25, 2008
As I prepare to leave for home...
However, I am also sad to be leaving here... this country in which I have enjoyed being a guest for the past two weeks, seeing many sights, enjoying the food, taking in the culture... in short, experiencing India. Mostly, though, there is a sadness because I'm leaving my co-workers who live and work here, who I have just spent the better part of two weeks with or went on a day trip to Mysore with. I will miss them. Of course, I will be in contact with them, several of them probably pretty much daily during the work week, though even with e-mail, IM, phone calls and video conferences, nothing can match being together or communicating together in person.
I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to visit India and build relationships with my co-workers here.
Now, for about 26 hours of travel... Home, here I come...
(Comments are encouraged and appreciated any time.)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Food, Sights
Breakfast at the hotel this morning.
Not sure what this is called, but there's a lot of them.
Just snapped this as he rode by.
Roadside stand.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Arrived in India
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Our California Vacation
We went on a family vacation to California from February 29 to March 13. We stayed in Twentynine Palms with some friends for a couple nights, and went to Joshua Tree National Park with them. We then visited some other friends in the Indio/Palm Springs area. We went to Disneyland and LegoLand with them, and also made a trip to San Felipe, Mexico (in the Mexican state of Baja California) together. On our own, we visited Hollywood, San Diego, and drove up the coast back to Los Angeles where we departed from Burbank. (Three weeks and a couple days after returning, the airline we traveled on, SkyBus, went out of business.) Here's a few pictures from the trip.