Friday, July 11, 2008

Dog watching, Free Chicken, and Free Slurpees

Today our family was charged with taking care of Nifty, our neighors' dog. This was, of course, fun and exciting, especially for the kids, who ask almost weekly, or so it seems, for their own dog. Around 5pm, Amy and the kids went over to let Nifty out for the second time today, and to feed him. Somehow, after getting in the neighbors' house and letting the dog outside, the sliding door locked behind them, and most unfortunately the key had been left inside on the table. They were locked out of the house! I received a call at work, just as I was about to leave, with the news. Since they hadn't fed him yet, and the food was locked inside, I stopped at Meijer on my way home to buy some dog food. After verifying that the neighbors' house was very secure (...we tried every way we could think of to get in...), we settled on bringing Nifty home with us. We gated him in our kitchen while we went out for dinner.

We went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, for Cow Appreciation Day. Because we dressed like cows, complete with the "Eat Mor Chikin" slogan, we all got free combo meals. I guess this is a yearly event every July 11, so get your costumes ready for next year.

We then went to 7-Eleven to get some free 7.11 ounce Slurpees for 7-Eleven day, August 11 or 7/11. (Supposedly the same promotion is done on November 7 in many other countries where the date is notated in DAY/MONTH format.)

We decided to head home after that, since it was already getting late, instead of stopping to redeem a free movie at Family Video for the kids' report card A's. We came home and had fun playing with Nifty.

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