Thursday, August 6, 2015

How to Remove "Click here to turn on Instant Search" Warning Message from Microsoft Outlook

In Microsoft Outlook I had been seeing a warning that was always taking up screen space that read "Click here to turn on Instant Search". I found that I could install/enable the "Windows Search" service, but understanding that it may slow my system down at times, and not necessarily wanting/needing it, I preferred to remove the warning message, instead.

See full details below on how to remove this warning message from Outlook

To remove the warning message from Outlook, I followed the below steps, 2 through 4, from, found under the Outlook section of the page:

Step 2
Click the "Search" tab on the Search Tools ribbon on the command ribbon. Click "Search Tools" in the Options group, and then select "Search Options" to open the Outlook Options window.

Step 3
Click “Search” in the sidebar to display the pane with Instant Search options. Click to remove the tick from “Show Prompt to enable Instant Search” in the Sources section. Click “OK" and close the Outlook program.

Step 4
Open the Outlook program and click inside the “Instant Search” bar. The message prompt no longer displays “Click here to turn on Instant Search.”

*Note that this worked for my current version of Outlook, which is Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus, Version 15.0.4737.1003. (I used the info from this link to determine my Outlook version:

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