Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Andrew Peterson music

This evening we attended a free concert of Andrew Peterson at Southgate Church (formerly called Calvary Temple). We enjoyed his music and personal thoughts and stories. I found a way to play some short clips of some of his songs. Some of the ones I especially like are the following, though the short clips don't do them justice:
Don't Give Up On Me - a love song to his wife
I've Got News
The Good Confession
Just As I Am

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I finally saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. (As is usual and customary for me, I waited for it to come out on DVD to watch it.)

I had heard some negative reviews of the movie from some friends prior to seeing it myself. A main point of contention with some was the story line itself, with the the current movie's focus on an ancient legend mixed in with aliens not quite living up to the standard set by such previous pursuits as the ark of the covenant and the holy grail. Granted, this installment does require us to suspend belief more so than the previous films, and, I guess I wish the story itself would have been more believable. But, I didn't go into the movie expecting reality, and knowing the general idea of the story in advance, I was able to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Another friend, also watching at home, chose to turn off the movie part way through. After seeing the movie, myself, I find this hard to imagine, and wonder at what point in the movie he gave up on it. It kept my apt attention the whole way through.

Based on the previews I had seen, I was also a little wary, as several scenes seemed too obviously computer animated and "cartoony" to evoke the expected realism. However, upon viewing the movie, I'd say that this is not really a concern. Perhaps they touched things up further after the previews and prior to the final release, or perhaps I am just too forgiving. I did still notice a couple scenes in particular (where we first see the expanse of boxes in the warehouse and the chase/fight in and with the military vehicles along the edge of a steep cliff) where this was somewhat obvious, but I did not feel that it was too overt or took anything away from the experience.

Given that several personal reviews that I had heard were fairly negative and my own personal expectations were mixed, I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy this fourth installment to the Indiana Jones series. Notwithstanding (I'm not sure if I've ever actually used that word before), I maintained fairly high expectations and hopes for it. And, I'm glad to report, I was not disappointed.

Yes, I enjoyed this new edition to the Indiana Jones adventures! I feel that it brings back the original look, feel, and excitement of the previous films quite faithfully. And the action and adventure fit right in with what we've come to expect from Indiana Jones. I personally enjoyed the movie quite a lot.

That said, I would probably have some difficulty putting it in the same category with Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. However, I would contribute that more to my nostalgic feelings towards the originals than the failure of the newest to live up to its predecessors.

As Roger Ebert said in one of the few reviews of this movie that I have actually read, "I can say that if you liked the other Indiana Jones movies, you will like this one...". I would have to agree. (Whether you feel the same or not, feel free to post your own comments and opinions.)

Amy's Yearbook Photos

Here's some of my favorite yearbook photos of Amy (from There's a couple of them that I kinda dig.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Yearbook Photos

Here's some of my favorite yearbook photos (from